The Lost Boys (1987) – A famous classic which inspired the original L.A By Night.Escape from LA (1996) – A very goofy yet iconic example of the the exaggerated views that the rest of the country has of L.A.
Potato mush client 2.0.16 movie#
Drive (2011) – The movie on this list with the closest feel to and sound of our L.A.Swingers (1996) – A movie which White Wolf writers have endlessly referred to as their inspiration for vampiric nightlife.Entourage (2004) – could easily represent a young Ventrue and Toreador ‘coterie’ in the early 00’s with a little imagination.Chinatown (1974) – The best cinematic take on L.A.’s early ‘Water Wars’ and the real blood that was shed in the process.V:tM – Bloodlines (2004) – The game that many enjoyed and remember.VtM: Los Angeles by Night (1994) – The book that started it all.A tiny sampling of our favorites include: In addition, our community’s production of Liberation MUSH is partially inspired by and indebted to nearly twenty years of White Wolf materials and many works of fiction exploring the rich themes and tropes of Los Angeles as a setting. Please read about our Five Core Philosophies, which functions as the truest essence of this game’s mission statement.